Receive $237,000 in Down payment assistance when you purchase a home in Washington DC
HPAP has raised it’s down payment assistance, it has changed from $84,000 to $202,000. If you are a DC employee you may be eligible to receive an additional $25,000 in assistance and if you are a first responder you can receive and additional $10,000 in assistance, you can receive up to $237,000 when you purchase a home in Washington DC.
This means you can purchase a home with as little as $500 out of your pocket.
I recently had a purchaser receive $70k in closing assistance. She bought before the raise from $84k to $200k.
If you purchased a home on condo in DC for $400k, Using these programs, You would only have to qualify for a $163k mortgage.
You would not repay the grant until you sell or refinance home.
Contact me today if you are interested in this Program
Wesley Howard
To be eligible for the Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP), you must meet the following criteria:
- Be the head of the household and a first-time homebuyer.
- Cannot have had ownership interest in any residential real estate within the three years prior to application.
- The purchased home must be the borrower’s primary residence and must be located within the District of Columbia.
Assistance Amount
Closing cost assistance is provided separately and cannot exceed $4,000.
Applicant Contribution
HPAP recipients contribute $500 or 50% of liquid assets greater than $3,000, whichever is greater. For very low- and low-income applicants, the contribution in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) may be waived by the Director where there is demonstrated need and the applicant household is elderly, handicapped, disabled or displaced.
Loan Repayment
- For moderate income eligible households:Payment on loans is deferred for the first five years. Monthly principal-only payments begin in the sixth year of the loan, amortized over a 40-year period.
- For very low income and low income eligible households:Loans will have no monthly payments.
- When all loans become payable:Regardless of household income, the entire loan amount becomes immediately due and payable if the borrower transfers the property, the property is refinanced (unless the refinance meets certain conditions) or the property ceases to be the borrower’s primary residence.
Contact me today if you are interested in this program
this program